Umbraco MVP - Don't vote for me

Note: this post is over a year old, it's very likely completely outdated and should probably not be used as reference any more. You have been warned. :-)

Wow, who would've thought 10 months ago when I was introduced to Umbraco that I would be nominated to be an MVP? I sure didn't expect that!

I'm not asking for votes, I'm proud to be listed among giants and you can make your own decisions.

However, I would like to promote the others on the list:

vote-706542Chris Houston was the first one to reply on my first blog post and I love how active and involved he is in the community. I can't wait to see the cmsMailer package that he's involved in. Vote for Chris!

Chris Koiak has made some cool packages and seems to be a great developer with a passion for Umbraco. Besides, he's from Glasgow, he must have a great accent. Vote for Chris (no, not the other one, this one)!

Dan Drayne must have a very high accept rate on our.umbraco, his forum replies are always very helpful. Vote for Dan!

Darren Ferguson's source code makes me jealous! Awesome packages, I have a lot to learn from this guy. Vote for Darren!

Dirk De Grave is always helpful on the forum, always there (does he ever leave his computer?), patient beyond belief even though some people test his patience sometimes. Vote for Dirk!

Douglas Robar really is the best teacher I've ever met. His posts on the forum are long and complete, with amazing attention to detail. Vote for Douglas!

Jan Skovgaard also always seem to be online, helping out, asking questions. Plus he seems to like Dutch people, perfect! Vote for Jan!

Jesper Ordrup seems to be taking Umbraco to new heights with the projects he's involved in. Let's hope he keeps sharing his insights. Vote for Jesper!

Lee Kelleher is a busy bee, he seems to be everywhere at the same time and should be rewarded for all of his efforts in the community. Vote for Lee!

Lee Messenger's ideas to change the our.umbraco forum from "just" questions and answer to even more thought provoking conversations are great, keep up the good work. Vote for Lee (THIS one)!

Morten Bock: uForum, need I say more? Awesome coder. Vote for Morten!

Nik Wahlberg I don't know so well unfortunately, but he must be awesome 'cause he's wearing sunglasses, just like Niels. Vote for Nik!

Peter Dijksterhuis should win because he works on a farm one month a year. Also, he made the great calendar package, good stuff. Vote for Peter!

Petr Snobelt thumbs up for the MemberControls package, and his avatar. Vote for Petr!

Richard Soeteman is the number one Umbraco fanboy from The Netherlands. This guy might be singlehandedly responsible for the rise in popularity of Umbraco in the last year or so.. ;) Vote for Richard!

Ron Brouwer another fellow Dutchie and a very helpful guy, love his work. Vote for Ron!

Thomas Höhler must be the loneliest Umbracian in Germany, but that's great, gives him time to help everybody out on the forum and on Twitter. Also makes cool packages. Vote for Thomas!

Tim Saunders always helpful with a different take things, I love seeing alternate solutions. Vote for Tim!

Warren Buckley well, what's not to love about this guy, CWS is awesome, he's always looking to add value to the community, and it's working. Vote for Warren!

... I really can't choose, I might as well vote for myself now!

Of course, this is all a clever ploy to get everybody to vote for me anyway.. I trust you will all not find me out. ;-)


Sebastiaan Janssen

Dutch guy living in (and loving) Copenhagen, working at Umbraco HQ. Lifehacker, skeptic, music lover, cyclist, developer.


7 comments on this article

Avatar for Richard Richard | February 5 2010 14:18
Hahaha very funny.

Avatar for Lee Kelleher Lee Kelleher | February 5 2010 14:26
Thanks for the kind words Sebastiaan. Don't stop what you're doing in the community, who else would I have to compete with for the number #1 slot? ;-)

Avatar for bob baty-barr bob baty-barr | February 5 2010 16:13
Nicely done Sebastiaan -- great work all around!

Avatar for Chris Koiak Chris Koiak | February 5 2010 17:02
very funny. It's a great line up, everyone on that list deserves to be a MVP!

Avatar for Chris Houston Chris Houston | February 5 2010 17:05
Hi Sebastiaan,

Thank you for your kind words!

I had no idea I was the first to reply to your first Umbraco post :) Glad I was able to help you become so active in the Umbraco Community yourself :)



Avatar for Lee Messenger Lee Messenger | February 5 2010 20:48
LOL.. Holy crap.. Don't vote for me either, after reading that its made me realise that everyone has contributed something useful and I've made a suggestion to turn the forums into social drivel... lol...

Avatar for Jesper Ordrup Jesper Ordrup | February 6 2010 20:18
Thanks for the kind words Sebastiaan.